Besides that, I'm a person who love music so much and adore the people who are involve and give much contribution for a rock music. They are Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park, Simple Plan, SUM 41 and also the Avenged Sevenfold. I like listening music especially a rock music almost every night as a lullaby. I don't really like to read a book because it needs a high concentration for me to keep an eye to the entire words.
In my daily life, I live with nice people and I have so many friends. I think that I'm so close with them. It's nice to meet the everyday and almost every time. We laugh at each other, share and kid together.and I love them so much.The photo below was taken about 1 month ago for our graduation wall. We had a wonderful time for about 1 year. And the other photo was taken not long after the first photo was taken. That photo was taken when I and my friends from SMA negeri 2 Krakatu Steel Cilegon were compete for the English Debating and 3 Languages Story Writing Competition at Patra Jasa Anyer Cottage, Banten. Those shows how close we are and how wonderful the time that we have been spent together.
Well, as I told you in the beginning, this is my first web blog. This is my first post. As a preface, I'd like to say thanks to Google and Blogger.com for helping me to create this blog. I hope this blog would be useful for me and the information that I'd write in this new blog would be useful for others and peers to share and keep in touch with me. Thanks for observing my new blog. Your nice comment is available here. Keep stick together!!!