Rabu, 17 November 2010

Corruption In Indonesia

Well you guys, this is my second post. I hope this could have good benefits for all the readers. It is written based on my point of view. So, it’s nice to receive your comment to share and I hope it would be good for my writing in the next time. Enjoy it!

We often heard about corruption. But, do we understand what we call corruption and something that causes corruption and also the impacts of corruption? Generally, corruption is the abuse of public power, office or resources by government officials or employees for personal gain by offering bribes, soliciting or extortion. Corruption is universal. It is present in advanced and developing country, in the bureaus of public or private sector, and in non-profit or charitable organization. We have to know and understand because in our country Indonesia, we often read and heard in communication media that report about corruption. We know that the impacts for Indonesia are really harmful. And I believe that there are at least 3 huge impacts in our country that caused by corruption.

The first, corruption in a country automatically gives an impact to the citizens. Corruption makes a misery for the people in Indonesia. What corruptors do is the same as lay a thing on their shoulder. It’s just increasing the citizens’ load. One of the examples of corruption that gives a direct impact to the citizens is hoard some goods to collect money. The goods that often hoarded are rice and oil.  Corruptors usually hoard huge tons of rice in the hidden place. The rice is kept on their own warehouse. As a result, slowly the rice becomes rare in the market. When the rice becomes rare in the market, corruptors sell it with higher price than normal. Because everybody needs rice, many people willing to queue for a plastic of rice. No matter how hot the weather is and how crowd the situation is. That’s why corruption makes a misery for the people in Indonesia.

The second is corruption gives impacts to Indonesia’s economy situation and development. Some of the country’s development program might be disturbed or even postponed because of the deficit. For example, sometimes we see some bridges in a big city like Jakarta that are not finished yet. The bridge might finish earlier if there was no corruption. If there was no corruption, the country would save a huge count of money to finish the project beside. In the case of economy, the country might lose some of the foreign investors that lessen the country’s income. Many foreign investors invest some share and build a company in our country. It automatically increases Indonesia’s income. But, if corruption keeps going in Indonesia, Indonesia might lose some of the foreign investors because corruption influences the country’s economy situation. Bad economy situation makes investors inclined to omit their investment in Indonesia.

The last is the impact for Indonesia in international plane. Corruption could scratch out Indonesia’s good identity. Our country will be labeled as a corrupt country. Besides that, other country would feel doubtful to trust Indonesia as a partner in international corporation especially for economy and development. The reason is, if corruption in our country causes a huge crisis especially in economy, it also influences the corporation that is held by Indonesia and the partner.

In conclusion, corruption in Indonesia could give us 3 huge impacts above. If the corruption destroyer organization couldn’t fight corruption as well, it would harm Indonesia’s situation more serious. As a good citizen, we have to understand and realize the danger of corruption and try to evade corruption as well as we can.

Well guys, please leave me your comment(s). To share with, you can see me on:
Twitter    : @boogiebungrendy

Thank You!

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