Minggu, 10 Juni 2012


Everybody gets older and older as time goes by. Each person’s physically changes, but it doesn’t guarantee the way they act and think in every single day they live is also changing. In short, maturity doesn’t go along with the age growth.

 "In my opinion, maturity is a circumstance where a person is able to see and decide in a wise way which is good to do and not to do for him/her."

In some occasions, a mature person can also solve and handle any problem he/she faces without any difficulty.

As I said above that maturity doesn’t go along with the age growth, the way a person thinks and acts in daily life sometimes doesn’t reflect how old he/she is. I take an example from daily life. Teens around 17-18 years old are considered mature by most people. But I can’t deny that some of my friends are still crying when they break up with their boyfriend/girlfriend. They even write some sad tweets on Twitter and suddenly their Facebook is full of terrifying words and curses. 

If we take a look at their age, which most people consider them as mature persons, those messes in Twitter and Facebook reflect how childish they are. On the other hand, mature teens may think that their broken relationship with their beloved person is just an ordinary life cycle. They accept what happen to them as a consequence from being in a relationship. When someone agrees to go in a steady relationship, at that time he/she also agree to accept everything that might happen in his/her relationship, even when he/she breaks up. Mature teens seldom cry when they face problems. In other words, they always think positively.

In brief, the age doesn’t reflect someone’s maturity. He/she might be younger, but who says that they can’t be wiser or even more mature then those who are older. Maturity requires no age.

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